
Manipulate zoom mute/unmute status and update Anybar to reflect

Sprocket is a certain pitch, like.325 or 3/8, and the bar groove is a certain gauge, like.050,.058, or.063. Most Ebay bars and chains are.050, while my stuff is mostly.063. AnyBar™-The universal bar/pole mount for your action camera. Easy and secure installation to most bar or irregular shape objects. Flexible and adjustable to fit a wide range of diameter. One-click uninstallation by quick release button design (patent pending).

-- Manipulate and get the status of Zoom mute/unmute, and show that status using the app AnyBar
-- Uses AnyBar to show zoom audio status (
-- Takes one argument:
-- - toggle_zoom: Toggles the mute status and updates AnyBar red/green to reflect new status
-- - update_bar: Grabs the current mute status and updates AnyBar
-- Anybar colors:
-- - Green: mic on
-- - Red: mic muted
-- - Hidden: No zoom meeting in progress
propertybtnTitleMute : 'Mute audio'
propertybtnTitleUnMute : 'Unmute audio'
tellapplication'System Events'to (nameof processes) contains appName
end is_running
tellapplication'AnyBar'toset image nameto indicatorColor
-- display notification indicatorColor
end set_indicator
-- Return true if zoom meeting is active
-- Is zoom even running?
ifnot is_running('') then
end if
tellapplication'System Events'
tellapplication process ''
if exists (menu bar item'Meeting'of menu bar 1) then
end if
end tell
end tell
end is_zoom_meeting_active
-- Return true/false if mic is active or not
if is_zoom_meeting_active() then
tellapplication'System Events'
tellapplication process ''
if exists (menu item btnTitleMute of menu 1of menu bar item'Meeting'of menu bar 1) then
end if
end tell
end tell
end if
end get_zoom_meeting_mic_on
-- Update the status bar
if get_zoom_meeting_mic_on() then
end if
end update_status_bar
-- Toggle the audio state in zoom
if is_zoom_meeting_active() then
tellapplication'System Events'
tellapplication process ''
ifmy get_zoom_meeting_mic_on() then
-- If unmuted, mute
click menu item btnTitleMute of menu 1of menu bar item'Meeting'of menu bar 1
my set_indicator('red')
-- If unmuted, mute
click menu item btnTitleUnMute of menu 1of menu bar item'Meeting'of menu bar 1
my set_indicator('green')
end if
end tell
end tell
end if
end toggle_zoom_audio_state
-- Entry point for script
onrun argv
-- If there is no zoom meeting, quit anybar (no indicator), and quit processing
ifnot is_zoom_meeting_active() then
tellapplication'AnyBar'to quit
end if
if (countof argv) >0then
setmodetoitem1of argv
if mode is'toggle_zoom'then
-- Change state of audio zoom (triggered from keybard shortcut)
else if mode is'update_bar'then
-- Just update the menu bar (called via cron)
end if
end if
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AnyBar: OS X menubar status indicator ( 296 points by tosh on Nov 27, 2016 hide past favorite 63 comments: NickBusey on Nov 27, 2016. I'll be that guy on this thread that points out Hammerspoon. It's an OS X automation tool that replaces pretty much every OS X. Anybar Description. Dwm-anybar is a patch for dwm that enables dwm to manage external status bars such as lemonbar and polybar. Dwm treats the external bar as it would its own, so all regular dwm commands such as togglebar affect the external bar in the same way. The project is being managed and developed on this GitHub repo.If you discover any bugs or patch incompatabilities, feel free to. Free insanity workout for mac. Manipulate and get the status of Zoom mute/unmute, and show that status using the app AnyBar - Uses AnyBar to show zoom audio status (

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