Friday Night Funkin': Eddsworlds Funky Beats is a mod created by CoralineHecc and SnowTheFox. Unlike a lot of mods, it completely replaces the characters from the game to Eddsworld characters. Eddsworld is a British adult animated comedy web series of flash animations, comics, and browser games created by Edd Gould. The story for this mod is that Matt has trapped Edd and Tom in his own game. Friday Night Funkin' is an HTML5 Rhythm Game created by Newgrounds users ninjamuffin99, PhantomArcade, evilsk8r, and KawaiSprite.The game was made by the group as part of a game jam, Ludum Dare 47, and has since gained a following for its unique Newgrounds-animation-esque artstyle and funky music. The plot is easy to follow; you play as The Boyfriend (yes, that's his name), a blue.
Friday Night Funky Game Video
- Autoplay = true, -- is the autoplayer is enabled
- ReleaseDelay = 7, -- time to wait before releasing the note (in ms)
- Percentages = { -- accuracy percentages
- ['Good'] = 0,
- ['Bad'] = 0
- }
- loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Introvert1337/Releases/master/Funky%20Friday.lua'))()
Friday Night Funky Game On Roblox