Peanut Obsidian

  1. Fire Obsidian Stone
  2. Peanut Obsidian Rough
  3. Peanut Obsidian
Peanut Obsidian

Obsidian can be classified into varieties according to several characteristics. However, some basic types of obsidian include the following: Mottled (snowflake and peanut obsidian), banded or veined (mahogany, midnight lace and pumpkin obsidian), pebbles or small nodules (Apache tears) and sheen (sheen obsidian, cat’s eye, rainbow and fire. Obsidian #1241: Sienna #1058: Peanut Brittle #1273: Light Brown Sugar #1126: Silver Mound #1289: Name: South Dakota - Ring-Necked Pheasant (Redwork).

Full name:[Redacted]Strength:2
Birthday:12th Dec 2083Endurance:1
Height:5’3' / 160 cmCharisma:12
Weight:100 lbs / 45 kgIntelligence:10

Nobody really knows anything about Peanut’s true origins. She’s lied her way through most of her life.

One of the stories ones she tells most often is on how she got to be called Peanut – or at least that’s what people tend to ask about when they first meet her. She tells them that back at the bunker her family took shelter in and lived at for years after the bombs went off, her real name was Patricia. Her parents lovingly called her Patty, then Pat when she was slightly older. Apparently, it eventually transformed into Peanut. Or maybe ‘Peanut’ came about because she’s small. Or she just likes peanuts. That works too.

Is Peanut a raider? Yes and no. She sometimes dresses like one. She might even act like one at times, but she doesn’t share their goals and doesn’t want to be part of any gangs. She thinks she might want her own gang at some point, but nobody takes her seriously.

But Peanut used to visit the Shallows, the Night’s hangout, pretty often because she likes people – but not just any kind of people. She likes those who push boundaries and break the rules, and who does that better than raiders? Unfortunately, she found herself at the wrong place at the wrong time when the Marked invaded the Shallows. Whoever they didn’t wipe out, they enslaved, and Peanut’s life suddenly consisted of being chained up and marching alongside thirty or so other slaves that the Marked called Craven.

Peanut Obsidian

Not for long, however, because Peanut always finds a way out of any situation – that, or she’s just plain lucky. She was temporarily, then permanently absolved from slavery, and became part of a group consisting of a scout from the Nights, a brute from the Marked, and The Shepherd, a high-ranking woman from the same raider gang.

The group fought a scorchbeast on the Eastern side of the Divide. The man succumbed to his injuries there. The scout was thrown out of the Spruce Knob viewing tower by The Shepherd when she defied her, and The Shepherd herself died after running into General Tsosie and Plums. She was maimed, but Peanut put her out of her misery with The Shepherd’s own rifle.

Peanut took ownership of the railway rifle, seeing as The Shepherd didn’t need it anymore, and went on with her life as if nothing had ever happened.

Characteristics: childish, manipulative, double-dealing

One would think Peanut is a teenager with her off-topic remarks, stupid ideas and childlike impulsivity. She’s dangerously curious sometimes, taking life and death risks nonchalantly and seemingly without fear.

She likes giving the impression that she’s innocent and naive – mainly because people treat her as harmless that way. Peanut can make fast friends since she’s charismatic and doesn’t take herself too seriously, and manipulation is her forte. She really enjoys toying with people, especially when she actually has something to gain from it, other than amusement.

Fire Obsidian Stone

Peanut is smart, but hides her intelligence very well. Occasionally though, she will break character to get a point across or threaten people she believes have already seen through her. She loves taunting her enemies because she always has someone to skitter behind, as she almost never directly deals with violence. It’s much more enjoyable to have others do the dirty work for her while she watches. Peanut likes her psycho, however, which does temporarily bring out a more wild and unpredictable side.

Defining features: splotch of lighter skin on right cheek, always wears welding goggles

Peanut is on the smaller side, though you wouldn’t notice with the way she carries herself. She’s dressed in pretty plain clothes – a torn flannel shirt, a brown vest or a jacket, dirty black cargo pants, and a dark scarf. Ifunia free youtube downloader for mac osx 10.8.5. Aliados entre el cielo y la tierra pdf download. Her boots have always been a little too big for her, but the straps are tightened enough to hold them in place.

Her plump cheeks, pouty lips and big green eyes help to give her the appearance of somebody in their mid-teens, even though Peanut just had her 20th birthday. Her small nose is usually a little red from being out in the sun, and she also has freckles all over her face. The long, straight brown hair is almost always kept in two buns, secured with a number of bobby pins that double as lockpicking tools if the need arises. The only real constant in her look are the welding goggles that never fully come off; they leave her nose just to sit on her forehead. They’re distinct in that the left one has a BB stuck in the lens.


  • Chem of choice: Psycho, though used recreationally – not addicted
  • Weapon: Railway rifle, scavenged/stolen


  • Devoid of any sense of danger, but smart enough to go into a situation with a contingency plan.
  • Peanut manages to get by a lot of the time just with her looks. It wins most people over without even having to talk much. But she’s also very persuasive.


  • Physically weak – can’t fight in close combat due to her small size.
  • Inconsistent – she can keep up with her lies most of the time, but occasionally slips up, or digs herself a hole.


This Snowflake Obsidian bracelet features beautiful polished black with natural white snowflakes peanut shaped beads. Vikas gupta twitter.

Snowflake Obsidian is believed to be a stone of perseverance and insight. It is thought to limit the spread of cancer cells and assist one in becoming receptive to a healing attitude.


Peanut Obsidian Rough

This Snowflake Obsidian bracelet weighs approximately 40 to 70 grams and measures approximately 3cm wide. Each specimen is unique. Product may not be exactly as shown in photo; picture is a typical example.

Peanut Obsidian

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