Reflexology Foot Map Female

Thyroid reflexology therapy helps regulate the body's energy levels and maintain body weight. How to do reflexology therapy for the parathyroid? Hold the foot with the right hand; using the left index finger and thumb, presses the point between the big and second toe for six seconds. 'The feet express the heavens and the hands express the feet. If you want to adjust the psychic body, massage the feet. If you want to adjust the physical body, massage the hands.' Reflexology is based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands.

The reproductive system contains a set of sex organs; it works together for the sexual reproduction. The male reproductive cells important job is to fertilize female reproductive cell egg.

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  • This foot reflexology chart gives the main areas when working the bottoms of the feet. A hand reflexology chart is available as well. Vita-Flex is a remarkable technique that can be used on the feet and the hands. It is well worth learning and using this technique.
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4 Cheerful Reflexes for Foolproof Reproduction

  • The male reproductive system comprises the penis, the testicles, the epididymis, the vas deferens and the prostate gland. Androgens are hormones make men ‘male’. The sperm is the male reproductive cell, the important job is to fertilize an egg.
  • The female reproductive system consists of the vagina, womb (uterus), Fallopian tubes and ovaries. A female’s entire egg develops, even when she is an unborn baby. During puberty, the eggs ripen inside the ovary and release every month.

Uterus (in female) Prostate (in male) reflex point

Uterus known as Womb is a hollow muscular organ of the female reproductive system; it develops the embryo and fetus during pregnancy. Airline acoustic guitar serial numbers.

A walnut-sized gland prostate secretes sperm; it is a protecting and nourishing fluid. Prostate located in front of the rectum between the bladder and the penis; additionally, the urethra extending from its center.

How to do reflexology therapy for the Uterus or Prostate? Uterus or Prostate reflexes are on the medial side, halfway between the back of the heel and the anklebone. Using the index finger, press and rotate this point for ten seconds. Uterus and prostate reflexology therapy are helpful for good general reproductive health.

Ovary (in female) Testicle (in male) reflex point

Reflexology Foot Map Female Organs

Reproductive gland of the female is ovaries located in the pelvis. It secretes hormones estrogen and progesterone; it is responsible for puberty, menstrual cycle control, and pregnancy.

Reproductive gland of the male is testes located in the scrotum. It secretes hormone testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for puberty; manages height growth, deepening voice, facial & pubic hair growth, and sperm production. Doom chaingun mobile turret.

How To Do Foot Reflexology At Home

How to do reflexology therapy for the Ovary or Testicle? Ovary or Testicle reflexes are on the lateral side, halfway between the back of the heel and the anklebone. Using the index finger, press and rotate this point for ten seconds. Ovary or testicle reflexology therapy help produce sex hormones, regulate ovulation, and healthy sperm production.

Fallopian tube (in female) Vas deferens (in male) reflex

In the female, the fallopian or uterine tube delivers the ova from the ovary to the uterus every month. Sperm fertilizes ovum; after fertilization, the uterine tube carries fertilized egg to the uterus.

In the male, the vas deferens is a long muscular tube carry mature sperm to the urethra for ejaculation.

How to do reflexology therapy for the fallopian tube or Vas deferens? Using the index and middle finger, walk on the dorsal (top) aspect; from lateral ankle bone to medial ankle bone and walk back. Repeat three times. Reflexology therapy for the fallopian tube or Vas deferens is useful for fertility related issues.

Breast (in female) reflex

FemaleReflexology feet

Reflexology Foot Map Female

The breast is medically referred as the mammary gland; it is a milk-producing structure composed of fat cells.

Foot Massage Chart Reflexology Points

How to do reflexology therapy for the Breast? Using three fingers on the dorsal aspect (topside) of the foot; halfway up the foot between zone 4 & 5 to make the large rotary motion. Repeat five times. Reflexology therapy for breast is helpful for breast disorders including infection, tumors, and tenderness.

Alternative method: Using three finger on the dorsal aspect of the foot; walk from lateral to medial between zone 5 to 3.

Foot Reflexology Near Me

For disorders of reproduction also, add pituitary and adrenal glands for extra benefit.