
You can download WebYep for free and build it into your RapidWeaver websites today, without any additional cost or a requirement for extra addons.
However our WebYep stacks combine the power and flexibility of common WebYep elements with the friendliness of the Stacks drag-and-drop user interface you have become familiar with. Additionally we've added a couple of new element types that extend WebYep even further; like boolean display controls, time controlled content and a simple toggle accordion. The combined capabilities of WebYep + WebYep Stacks is truly astonishing.
The WebYep stacks were formally developed by Tsooj Media in 2011. Since our acquisition in July 2017, we have partnered with the new developer of WebYep to bring you a collection of revised WebYep stacks. These innovative stacks work with the newer WebYep 2 CMS (both the free and commercial versions). These stacks are an exciting method for you to build a website in RapidWeaver that yourself, friends or colleagues can easily (and safely) login to edit remotely in a web browser.
If you are seeking to switch from another CMS or you are considering using a CMS for the first time in a RapidWeaver project, there are some compelling reasons to take a serious look at WebYep and the WebYep stacks:
1. Low cost
Some platforms only let you buy and use their CMS for a single website. Others make you pay monthly or yearly subscriptions for the benefit of using their CMS (and take your content ransom if you stop paying)! The costs of many CMS platforms has steadily risen; to the point of them becoming out-of-reach for lots of individuals and charitable organisations. In comparison, the WebYep Stacks are a one-off purchase you can reuse forever in as many websites as you want. Our lenient licensing keeps deployment costs to an absolute minimum. WebYep CMS itself is available for download in both free and commercial flavours.
2. Multilingual
A large number of RapidWeaver users (and clients) are non-English speakers. WebYep has been meticulously translated into multiple languages. The instructions and fieldnames displayed in the editing interface are fully translatable. This means that the whole editing interface is presented in a language that most people can understand and feel comfortable working with. You can also upgrade WepYep to the commercial version, to receive a 'white label' version that you can apply custom branding to; meaning that clients will see your logo / support links and believe they are using something you custom built exclusively for them.
3. A long legacy
Did you know that WebYep was first established in 2002 before the likes of RapidWeaver or even Wordpress hit the market? WebYep basically invented the concept of CMS! This means you are using a CMS product that is stable and here for the long term. Not another CMS that is here today and gone tomorrow! A passionate team of senior-level developers and experienced users continue to update WebYep. It's helped by the fact the WebYep core is opensource software; meaning there are always people actively working to improve the codebase. WebYep continues to grow in popularity and marketshare.
4. Simplicity
WebYep has no database. It is a 'flat-file' CMS which reads snippets of content or media stored within a directory on your web server. No database means that WebYep is simple to deploy, maintain and keep updated. There are far fewer entry points for potential hackers to compromise. Because your whole website remains portable, it's easy to move it between servers or take regular backups. Plus WebYep makes a completed website super-easy for clients to safely edit, without them venturing into dangerous areas or breaking stuff!
5. Great technical support
You have two levels of support available; the WebYep CMS and support for the WebYep stacks through Stacks4Stacks. The WebYep forums are a great place to mingle with other passionate WebYep users and get fast answers to common questions. The WebYep stacks are surprisingly easy to work with in RapidWeaver. We can provide fast and friendly expert support for the newer WebYep RapidWeaver stacks. We are using WebYep ourselves in real websites for clients.


This is a real-working example of WebYep, which you can play with. Click the padlock to login. Username and password are admin. Please do not write anything that other website users may find offensive. All IP addresses and edits are recorded. Edits may not save or persist if other people are editing the same content, at the same time. All content edits get reverted after 2 minutes of inactivity on this page. This example is making use of the WebYep Login, Short Text, Rich Text, Image, Markup and Toggle stacks. You also have the option to download a free demo version of the stacks, using the button above.

Discover powerful applications such as Little Snitch, LaunchBar and Micro Snitch. WebYep is a Compact Web content management system (CMS) that allow you to quickly turns any existing website into editable pages where user can update the contents directly from within your web browser. Microsoft visual studio for mac os x download. It mainly focus on web designers that concentrate on design and don’t want to adopt PHP or deep HTML skills to simply make some pages (of a maybe already existing website) editable.

The WebYep test has temporarily been taken down due to a server migration. We hope to update and bring it back again soon. In the meantime, please use the free demo versions provided already.

Learn more

Here are some video's which demonstrate the basic setup of WebYep and showoff some of the exciting things you can build with the WebYep stacks:
A simple toggle accordion stack, fully editable with WebYep
Time-Sensitive content setup with WebYep
WebYep responsive image gallery *
WebYep 2 teaser by Max Fancourt (lead developer)
WebYep Stacks quick start guide
* This video is commentated by Max Fancourt (the new lead developer of WebYep v2) and talks us through building a responsive image gallery using Freeway. However the video provides a great example of using WebYep for managing an online gallery and letting a user safely upload new images. The WebYep stacks include a WebYep Gallery; allowing you to create a very similar image gallery to the one demonstrated in the video.

System requirements

• Stacks 3.5 or above
• A web server running PHP 7.0 or greater
• WebYep CMS (either the free or commercial version)

Upgrading to WebYep Commercial

For the time being, please contact Max Fancourt via email if you want to buy the commercial version of WebYep from him. The commercial version of WebYep includes the 'Redactor' rich text editor and the file uploader interface. Although you can use our stacks with the free version of WebYep, the commercial version is definitely great value and helps fund future development of WebYep.


We recommend that you download and read the documentation for WebYep CMS first, before you begin using the WebYep stacks. The official WebYep documentation is bundled in the WebYep download (in the 'Documentation' folder) and provides a great insight into what WebYep can do, how to install it on a server and how to configure it. Lots of visual screenshots are shown. If you read this documentation through throughly, then you'll have a much better understanding of WebYep. The basic four steps to get WebYep installed on your web server are as follows:
  1. Download the latest version of WebYep from the Github page (or contact Max Fancourt to buy a commercial license)
  2. Copy the webyep-system directory into the 'root' directory of your web server (normally htdocs or public_html), using FTP
  3. Open the config-inc.php in your preferred code editor. Configure WebYep CMS with your website address and login details
  4. Give your 'data' folder 0777 read / write permissions, to enable the upload of images or other files

To test your WebYep installation, simply point your browser to https://example.com/webyep-system/info.php, replacing 'example.com' with your website address. Once you have got WepYep uploaded and configured, you can begin using the WebYep Stacks in RapidWeaver. This tutorial video can help you. These stacks are substitutes for the WebYep elements / code snippets. Here is a brief summary of the setup procedure for WebYep in RapidWeaver:WebYep
  1. Add a WebYep Assistant stack to the first page of your website
  2. Copy and paste the 'init' code from preview, into the RapidWeaver Page Inspector Prefix. Or add it to the global Prefix box, if you are using WebYep on all your webpages
  3. Add a WebYep login button, so authors can click and login to change the page content
  4. Add a WebYep Rich Text stack, to create an example block of editable content
  5. Publish the webpage to the server. In your browser, click the padlock to login and add / edit the page content
  6. Add more WebYep stacks, to make different parts of the page editable. Each WebYep stack is allocated a unique fieldname

All WebYep stacks display a description and basic setup information in edit mode. As always, hovering your mouse over individual settings displays tooltip information about what each setting does. Likewise making content edits on a published (live website) is easy with WebYep:
  1. Click the padlock icon to login
  2. Enter your username and password and click 'login'
  3. Scroll to the point of the page you want to edit
  4. Click the 'pencil' icon next to the adjacent content you want to change
  5. In the modal (popup) window, make the desired content changes
  6. Click 'save' to save the content changes
  7. When finished, click the padlock icon again to lock the changes

Some WebYep elements (like the Gallery, Menu and Loops) present a different editing interface. However the instructions are much the same as above.
WebYep is compatible with most RapidWeaver themes, but certainly not all. Older themes or themes developed in an unconventional manner may pose problems we cannot fix. If the login padlock button takes you to a page saying that the browser needs Javascript support, then the chances are you have encountered an incompatible theme. It's your responsibility to test WebYep for suitability and compatibility before purchase, using the free resources provided to you. If you cannot get the free version of WebYep and the demo stacks to work, then the purchased version is not going to work for you either! WebYep compatible themes can be purchased from ThemeFlood if you need them. You can also ask on the RapidWeaver forums for independent, non-bias advice on the latest, best themes to use WebYep with.
Dummy content is available in some WebYep stacks and allows you to mockup pages in RapidWeaver, to get a basic look and feel for the completed page. Dummy content is not published. After a page has been published, you will need to login and add the actual content yourself. It is not possible to 'sync' content back into RapidWeaver again. However (optionally) you can manually copy content from the live site, back into the dummy content regions in RapidWeaver. This can act as a secondary form of backup.
By checking the Global Content option, the content you publish in that element will be cloned over multiple pages that share the same fieldname. For example if you had a WebYep Image stack with a fieldname of 'My Image' on the homepage and a WebYep Image stack on another page with a fieldname of 'My Image', both stacks would display the same image if the Global Content option is checked. This makes for an efficient method to reuse resources; but still allow the resources to be edited. Global Content works for text, images and HTML markup.
We provide numerous different WebYep stack elements. Some are standard WebYep code snippets repackaged and convenient drag-and-drop stack elements. Whereas other stacks (like the Boolean, Time Control and Toggle Accordion) are exclusive to RapidWeaver. Often you can place WebYep stacks inside other simple stacks. The basis of WebYep is to split more complex pages up into smaller editable regions.
The WebYep Loop allows you to group one of more stacks together. On the published website, a content author can duplicate this group of stacks and change their ordering. This solution is great to use for a product inventory on a simple e-commerce website. The WebYep Gallery and WebYep Toggle stacks also make use of loops.
The WebYep Menu stack is a slightly more advanced version of the WebYep Loop. It too lets you group sets of editable or static stacks together. However these groups are hidden on the page. A simple, collapsible menu list is generated; and it is through clicking the menu links that this content is shown dynamically on the page. A content author can easily add or remove groups of stacks / content (pages) from the menu; by adding or deleting menu links. The WebYep Menu is perfect for a simple news feed, a blog, or again a product inventory on an e-commerce site.

Error displayed about your browser not having Javascript support?

You might see an error about your web browser not supporting Javascript, when you try to login. This is often caused by your theme containing Javascript code that conflicts with the lightbox WebYep CMS is trying to open, to display the login box. This is a common problem in Javascript-heavy themes like Foundry. Quite often this problem can be easily resolved by going into your WebYep configuration file and disabling the Javascript login. Therefore instead of the login box opening inside a lightbox window, it will instead open within a regular popup window.
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Objective Development has announced the availability of new plug-ins for its Web Content Management System (CMS) WebYep that enable it to support the visual Web page editors RapidWeaver and Freeway Pro. How to install furniture mod. WebYep costs €29 (US$38.17) per Web site.

Aimed at small and medium-sized Web sites, WebYep is a CMS developed for Web designers who don’t want to learn PHP in order to make their Web sites editable. It enables users to edit text and upload images, use CSS-based text formatting, recognizes links and e-mail addresses and can encode such to hide them from spam spider engines. You can also use WebYep to build basic menus tructures, repeat elements on a page, attach files and more.

WebYep already supports Adobe Dreamweaver; now the new plug-ins enable it to work with RapidWeaver from RealMac software or Softpress’ Freeway Pro, two visual Web page editors for Mac OS X.

Inurl /webyep-system/

The WebYep Actions Suite for Freeway was developed by a third party and costs an additional £20 (US$39.24) — more details are available from the download page.

Webyep Download

Fastspring capture one. System requirements call for a Web server with PHP4 support; Dreamweaver MX, MX 2004 or 8, RapidWeaver 3.5 or later and Freeway Pro 4 or later.