
Singly Ionized Helium Definition Singly ionized helium is an atom with one of its electrons missing. Assume that the remaining electron would behave like an electron of hydrogen. There is only one distinction between an atom of hydrogen and a single ionized atom of helium; the number of protons in the nucleus, hence the nuclear charge. (Pickering Series) E.C. Pickering discovered ionized helium lines in the hot star Zeta Puppis in 1896, and mistaked it for a form of hydrogen. Later these lines are found in other hot emission line stars and Wolf-Rayet stars. Pickering was convinced that the lines were due to hydrogen under unknown temperature and pressure conditions. A singly ionized helium atom (He^+) has only one electron in orbit about the nucleus. What is the radius of the ion when it is in the excited state defined by n=2? (answer in m) Doubly ionized helium atom. Ionization of the most abundant elements, hydrogen and helium, is important for the equation of state. For these elements we have: ionization of hydrogen: χ = 13.54 eV, 2gi+1/gi = 1, first ionization of helium: χ = 24.48 eV, 2gi+1/gi = 4, second ionization of helium: χ = 54.17 eV, 2gi+1/gi = 1. Consider now pure, partly ionized hydrogen. Singly ionized helium is an atom that has lost one of its electrons. We must expect its remaining electron to act like a hydrogen electron. There is only one difference between a hydrogen atom and a singly ionized helium atom; number of protons in the nucleus, so the nuclear charge.

  • VIRUSES ( Chapter Overview. What are viruses? This is a question no doubt posed by students, teachers, scientists, and certainly by those who have contracted a serious viral disease such as rabies, polio, or AIDS.
  • Allowed formats Extensions: 3gp: asf: asx: avi: DAT: divx: dv: dvr: dvr-ms: evo: eyetv: flv: f4v: gxf: iMovieProject.
  • MovieIndex generates a contact sheet from all video types. Main features: - 2 quality modes, depending on the purpose of your cataloged video: to store onto disk or to print. Always displayed images at the good ratio. Some classical customizable options: choose the size of images, their number, page background color, etc.
  • MovieIndex generates a contact sheet from all video types. Handles every sort of videos, whatever QuickTime compliant (like AppleIntermediateCodec, ProRes, m4v) or all others exotic videos (mts.
Because video processing is too technical to be entrusted to anyone. Because you want to preserve quality during an encoding.
Because you haven't to be a video technician
to obtain good results…

Directed by Luc Besson. With Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy. Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins.

HomeEncodingStudioTelecineComb EffectsF.A.Q.Credits
BUY (Which differences?)


Version Pro:



Version 4.01, (…corrected) High Sierra, subtitles, re-wrap, chapters, 3D, etc , 2018-05-12
MovieIndex requires an Intel processor, and a system from Mavericks (Mac OS 10.9) to High Sierra (10.13)

How to use

NOTICE: This app is only localized in English and French.The others languages are only used to localized DVD-VIDEO interactive menus, and not for the app itself.

Movie Index /2019/

Because video is very technical domain, if you are not an expert about video technology or standards specifications, your results of your work will be poor… with MovieConverter-Studio you -easily- get good results… MovieConverter Studio will automatically fix for you all your difficulties.

Main features:

  • Standard

    Exclusive Feature: Adaptation to your Television Standard (videos will be conformed …but without jerking).

  • Aspect

    Your movies will no more be deformed after encoding.

    Exclusive Feature: …even though your videos need a more complex display (automatic detection and management of anamorphic files).

  • Aspect:

    Exclusive Feature: Ability to turn your videos from 'square screen' to 'wide screen' (and vice versa).

  • Broadcasting

    To convert your videos for all your devices: from your Android mobile to your new connected HD television!

  • Editing

    To convert your video for Professional editing in FCPX (or in older versions of Final Cut Pro).

  • Editing

    To convert your videos for editing in iMovie (for every versions).

  • Interlacing

    Exclusive Feature: you never encounter 'comb effects' during playback, and without degrading quality like others softs do (Automatic management, according to the device used to play the video).

  • Formats

    Handle most of the main Media Formats (codecs and containers), like: MPEG4, H264, Matroska, PRORES, DNxHD, DV-Video, MPEG TS, MPEG PS, FLV, AVI, VP8, VP9 (.webm), VOB, MXF, GFX and many more…

  • Easy Mode / beginners

    video is very technical domain, but your don't have to be an expert about video or specifications, to obtain a good result…

    Exclusive Feature: The Easy Mode do not damage the quality of your videos (automations are set to take over your worries).

  • 'Professional' really means something here (it's usually used as a bogus commercial argument for beginners, and only means the add of some non-understandable features only for geeks).

    MovieConverter integrates some helpful and easily usable pro features:

    • To visually check your 'comb effects' and their readout order.

    • To correct the framerate of a buggy converted video.

    • To correct audio loudness, according to the professional broadcasting TV channels need…

  • Uplay command line arguments list. Expert

    Do it more!

    • Clean your videos.

    • Making videos from internet less blurry.

    • Remove the logo of a TV channel.

    • (To reserve to experts:) MovieConverter has many automations which ensure your quality conversion… But you can override or change them too.

  • DVD-VIDEO disc

    Make your settings in less than three minutes and get a chapterized DVD, with menus in full-screen and animated buttons (and burn it directly from the app).

    Readable onto a home DVD Player connected to every television (Exclusive Feature: onto Granny's one and her old square TV, or onto Uncle's big HD TV).

Other Features:


  • Preview result (before starting the encoding ;-))
  • Some Presets (some are provided but you can easily create your own).
  • Batch processing.
  • Trim the beginning of the video (…to remove unwanted pre-programs).
  • Choose your bitrate (the quality/disk weight ratio of your converted file).
  • Ability to automatically limit the bitrate (so, your final video fits well on a disk ;-)).
  • Several presets 'quality/disk weight ratio'.
  • Ability to encode in black & white.
  • And 4 additional mini-applications to edit your videos 'to DVD'. The 'Studio' modules:
    • Multiplex
    • Demux
    • Subtitle
    • Modify the aspect without re-encoding

So, chose your flavor: 'easy', 'simple' or 'expert'. MovieConverter-Studio, expert's functions 'For Dummies™'.

Nice start, but needs a lot of work. The file information it puts at the top is HUGE, there is no way to tell it basic things like 'do 4 thumbnails across by 20 down, each 400px wide, and adjust capture timing to fit' or 'do 10 thumbnails across, each 200px wide, and make the image as long as necessary to catalog the entire video', or 'do the same, but split into separate contact sheet files every 70 thumbnails', or whatever. It only provides a few pre-ordained options. Can't drag-drop into the application, only onto its icon. Can't save the contact sheet to the same directory as the video (should be the default behavior, but not even an option). Forget fancy features like being able to constrain the exact dimensions of the thumbnail images in the sheet, to fix incorrect aspect ratio. Developer: Please, just copy the standard features of typical Windows thumbnailers, and you'll make the app we actually want. On the plus side, this is adequate for creating some basic thumbnail sheets just for cataloging your Movies folder or something, and it is very fast.